Should I stay or should I go?

Read an interesting article this week on getting out of a church you don't feel comfortable in. I'm not sure I agree with the author's perspective though.

I left my previous church because it was killing me spiritually to stay. I would leave each service with a frustration headache, having seen a lot of tradition and very little God, having watched folk around me go through the motions, or fall asleep in the sermon, just there because they went every week.

I needed spiritual food, I was starving for it! I needed to be in a place where there was enthusiasm for worship and for God, a "real" experience.

According to the article, I should have stayed because that's where I would have grown. But I think if I had I'd have died.

I've learnt SO much about being a Christian since I left, I've been challenged to grow in so many ways too. I've found people who have been spiritual mentors and I've revelled in free-to-worship gatherings. I've grown as a musician and worshipper, I've been on a learning curve in my ministry and there's still more to come!

I don't think I'd have had the same growth if I'd stayed, if I'd carried on enduring church, just in case something positive happened. Although I face stiff opposition daily, I know I've done the right thing.

(BACK ON MONDAY! The weekend has struck.)