Friday Five

Herewith this week's Friday Five!

1. List five things you'd like to accomplish by the end of the year.
a) Sort out my house - get rid of stuff that's been lying around for ages waiting for attention.
b) Get a nice tan - hey, it's summer here and I have holiday coming up, so there's a good chance I'll get that one done.
c) Get my will written up properly so if something happens to me my son will be well cared for and not become a ward of the state...
d) Create the garden I've wanted to for ages - whether we'll be moving to Australia soon or not. And get it done in time for my birthday party....
e) Sit down and plan for next year - how to serve, what to give, what our family vision should be and how to put it into practice.

2. List five people you've lost contact with that you'd like to hear from again.
Gary in Perth, Terry from Zimbabwe, Miko and Tania from the USA, Nerida in the USA

3. List five things you'd like to learn how to do.
Kite-surf, programme a computer, sky-dive, create art-works with pastels, build a house from scratch.

4. List five things you'd do if you won the lottery (no limit).
a) Retire (but I plan to do this anyway by age 40, whether I win the lotto or not - got it all planned out!)
b) Buy my farm and start building!
c) Travel all over the world
d) Adopt a child who needs love - or even a few of them
e) Build a church in a low-income housing area and outfit it with everything they'd need

5. List five things you do that help you relax.
a) Nightly long bath with a Reader's Digest Condensed Book (have a massive collection of them)
b) Garden, dig in the soil, or just sit and watch things grow
c) Breathe deeply
d) Look around me for something of beauty to ponder
e) Good cup of coffee or a decent dark chocolate