Lost Dog

Dogs love me. Birds love me. (Most kids are OK with me.) I could do with more dogs and less people some days.

This morning a dog wandered into the office block. We'd seen him walking the middle of a road near here yesterday evening, on the way home from a bread-stop. Assumed he was near his home and just taking a walk. A very distinctive dog - ugly as hell, solid muscle, pure white with pig eyes and two black ears, slobbery mouth and waggy tail.

And today he turned up at the office. Some ran from him - these dogs are known for their strong bitey jaws and dislike of strangers, often attacking. Me - well, I just wandered up to him and gave him a head-scratch.

I found a container and water, and he drank deeply, depositing slobber like foamy waves on the water's surface as quickly as it disappeared down his throat. Later he leant against me for a back-scratch under the desk, eyes closed, relaxing as he got a bit of love.

I'm sure he's lost. He was very thirsty. He smelt leftover food in a dustbin and was interested. He must be hungry. He has no collar. And now he's gone his way.

Good luck, sweet dog. Find your home soon.