I've just been doing a search for blogs from the denomination I grew up in. So far in 10 Google pages I have found only one positive post about the denomination. There are so many that see it as a "cult" and "weird", and that makes me sad. Sure there are some that are way-off (aren't there in any fruit-basket?), but most of us are just trying to be Christians to the best of our ability. Unfortunately things get badly twisted by others (especially by those who leave the denomination), beliefs get misinterpreted and the entire church gets slandered in a big way. And that makes me sad.
I think seeing what's up on the net is where my denominational questions started off - if we're all such good Christians, why do we spend so much time, energy, resources, emotional stuff, on trying to push each other off that slippery narrow path that leads upward? Why bicker among each other, try to find holes in each other's faiths, or criticize each other to death? Can't we at least get along and respect that not everyone sees things the way we do - and that we might not have it entirely right anyway? We're all trying to end up in the same place for eternity - even if our interpretations of what God has to say differ here and there. We don't need to poke each other's eyes out on the journey, surely?
I'm just sad to see so much negativity. It hurts to hear what some have to say.
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