Holiday Blues

My son's been singing his old story again - "I'm Bored!". His friend's gone out, the only thing on TV is the Hefer Commission (investigating corruption of one of our govt officials - we only have 3 channels to choose from) and he doesn't feel like doing anything I suggested.

BUT we found a solution! I sent him on a mission to the garage to haul out the Christmas tree and decorate it - and apparently it's a Mission Accomplished! (What's in the garage could keep him busy for years, looking in the boxes!). He's just phoned to find a plug for the lights, so must be about done.

Looking forward to seeing what he's managed. I usually decorate the tree - I like it elegant and colour-co-ordinated, whereas he chucks on all the decorations in the box. This year it seems we'll be going with HIS look. :)

(Oh great - he's put up the musical lights......)