Church - I really didn't want to do double-duty at church for the worship team, but it was a good thing I did. The morning service turned out to be really good. We had a time for testimonies and praise that took up most of the service and could really have done without the sermon after such an inspiring time, but the pastor preached anyway.
The evening service was just plain AWESOME! All the youth were back from summer camp, only one still in hospital after the food poisoning epidose. A very big worship team turned up with lots of extra instruments and singers. We rocked the church! We also had a time for testimonies for the youth and I was once again blown away by how incredible these guys are. We sang, we praised, we were loud - and I broke a nail on the last song thanks to some serious "piano bashing"! :)
The Party - after a weekend of totally winter weather, strong winds and rain, Tuesday turned out to be a great sunny day. Got up real early and rushed to put up a canopy on the lawn, set out all the food and drinks and get the house neat/tidy. Party was due to start at 11 - first guests arrived at 11:30! They carried on arriving and leaving all day long. We had a superb time, relaxing, eating, talking, joking. My brothers and some other guys got hold of the kids and played them into the ground with tennis, cricket, bike rides etc. My last guests left at 7:30, so it was a pretty long party! :) I got some very cool prezzies, more than I can remember ever getting. And this morning in my email inbox were pictures of the party, courtesy the only brother in the family rich enough to own a digital camera.

It's been a very good weekend. And now I only have 2 days of work left in the year - today and tomorrow!
But never fear, I am required as Admissions Officer to check in regularly while on holiday, to sort out new students applying and those that panic when the Embassy won't give them a study visa. So this blog will not be altogether silent. It just won't be as verbose as usual - which is probably a darn good thing..... :)
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