Left Behind

No, I'm not talking the books here, but the fact that I got back from lunch to find the entire staff has decided not to return to work this afternoon! It's just me and one other sitting here like bumps on a log. Talk about holiday spirit... :) Even the receptionist has disappeared, locking up access to the only fax machine in the building, which I kinda need to help my international students get their acts together and find visas.

At this time of year the admin gets really lenient on work hours. They decided this morning that next week will be half-day for all, provided our work is up to date. Doesn't affect me, as I'll be on full-day leave anyway. Nice of them though.

Everyone else left at 3 - but I'm still here. Unfortunately I told one new student I'd be in the office till 5, so here I sit, checking up on blogs to see if anyone's got anything new to say. And adding new blogs to my faves list! So, if you're reading me and I'm not listing you, it might be that I don't know about you - leave me a comment with a link to your blog, and I'll investigate!

::more update::
The student came early, so at last I can leave! Pancakes for supper, and then off we go to the Christmas Cantata tonight at church - a different way to spend Thursday, and we'll beat the Sunday rush when they do it all again.