Here's a question for those planting churches. Is your goal to share or to convert?
Let me explain. I know many are planting from within a specific denomination or belief system, and are perhaps expected to "produce" or "attract" people who agree to what you believe, who conform to the ideas the denomination holds - after all the denomination did send you out! Perhaps some are planting independently. But I know each of us has our own system of beliefs and truths that we cling to.
So are you expecting to convert those you hope to reach to your view, or are you just sharing God and letting them form their own beliefs, even if they're different from yours?
In other words, do you have a hidden agenda as part of your church plant? Or are you just going to reach out and let people experience God in the way they understand Him?
I don't mean to sound harsh or anything, just thinking and wondering and questioning what goes on in our minds behind the scenes, our inner expectations of what's to happen. Also questioning what my expectations would be (and those of others who know me) if I were to do the same. Would I be content to just share, or would I try get people to see things like I see them?
Additional thought: is it even possible to share God without your beliefs getting in the way?
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