Do what you know

Although I long for community/church as many are practicing it, I know I'd be no good at leading a prayer/meditation/study group when I can't even figure out where I am spiritually. It would be like putting on an act to get others to advance toward God, when I'm still getting a toe on the starting line. It would be even worse than the "just warming the pews" stuff I would like a group of us to move out of - we'd get ourselves into more spiritual trouble than we may already be in!

But if I can't lead a spiritual exploration group, there ARE things I CAN do. It's stuff I know how to do, things I can organize (I'm good at that!), and a start toward making a difference in our lives and those around us.

This weekend I was reading (finally) Consider the Turtles of the Field, a Sojourners article I printed out and kept to read over Sabbath. Funny enough, all the other stuff I'd printed out to read tied in completely with it! They all seemed to say something about caring for our environment, about responsible Christian living, making a physical difference in our communities. They emphasized that we were given care of the earth at creation, that we are not to tear down and use up but rather to build up, improve and maintain.

That, of course, got me mulling. I've blogged before about my thoughts on being a sustainable Christian, and on the parallels between the back-to-the-earth movement and the emerging church. I'm very much a nature person, aware of life all around me and appreciative of creatures and plants, great and small.

So what can I do? Well, one idea is growing slowly.

I'd like to gather a group together once a week to go clean up our town for a couple of hours. As part of our worship and service to God, understanding it to be integral to Being Church. Inter-denominational, building bridges and getting to know each other as we serve, across our traditional belief boundaries. Connecting with people who stop to ask us why we're there. Connecting with our local municipality to solve litter problems and create recycling options where we clean. Gathering for prayer and guidance before we set out. Gathering for coffee and talk afterwards. Everyone welcome - come as you are and get your hands dirty. Make a difference this week, even if the litter's back again next week. Maybe even help change a community mindset, get them to think before they throw away.

I'm still mulling. I can't afford to mull too long. But I may have found an answer to quite a few of my Being Church questions!