To take pleasure in barking at the passing world, to relish a good sleep in a sunny spot. To wiggle all over with gladness when your loved one comes home (or goes round the corner and comes back again). To smile with your eyes, to forgive immediately and permanently. To spend hours chewing happily on a big meaty bone, bury it, dig it up and still enjoy it months later. To be loved and hugged and scratched and brushed until your leg starts kicking with pleasure. To appreciate every blessing (leftover) from above. To follow whatever takes your fancy on walks, to sniff out the latest news on trees and fellow-beasts. To be spoiled and doted on, to take over the bed and the floor and the path. To unquestionably belong. To know your needs will all be met, and exceeded, without you having to worry your beastly brain over them. To chase birds and mice and rats with abandon through the garden. To love with your eyes, adore with your whole heart.
It truly is a dog's life some days.

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