It's really strange - my entire weekend has been filled with images of forests - ancient, fern-encrusted forests. Everything from the stuff I read on Sabbath, to the section of Lord of the Rings that we're reading now, to The Two Towers we watched again yesterday, to dreams of wandering between massive trunks in a green world, to TV programmes - all just forests. I've had the words "old-growth forest" stuck in my head, repeating like a scratched CD.
Perhaps I need to contact a Transparent Medium (remember that old hymn, "I the transparent medium" - always conjured up images of a see-through fortune teller....) to find out what it all means! Perhaps it truly is an indication that my hopes, dreams and future lie in living with nature in its unspoilt state.
I've never really been a beach person. Although we live 10 minutes drive from the sea and go there regularly, I haven't actually been in the water for years! Sad, but true. I like walking the shores, but prefer the majestic silence of the forest near the mountain's cliff face - the crunch of pine needles underfoot, the wind sighing through the tops of the trees, a trackless forest floor to explore.
It's just really weird that everything I've done or seen or read or dreamt this weekend is about forests.
Any Transparent Mediums out there who care to read my palm on this one? :)
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