At church last night someone asked how the Australia-thing (visa application) is going, and then asked if I had a Plan B if it didn't happen.
Well... no, not really. I haven't exactly thought that far, though some crazy part of me says Plan B is to "sell everything, buy a Land Rover and laptop, load up the kid and start driving until we run out of either cash or land".
But, living in limbo, I haven't really considered what I'd do if we didn't get to make an inter-continental move. I'm waiting for direction, for the "go" or "stay". I have loads of plans for the "go", but sadly nothing for the "stay". I've been working this job for more than 8 years now. I feel the need for a change and wish it could be radical. But all I can see are huge obstacles to what I'd like to do. Things like "it's not safe", "it's too risky", "I don't know where to start", "I'll never have the cash", or even "I like my rut".
Perhaps it is time to think of a Plan B - yet a part of me still holds out in faith for a positive response to our visa application. Almost as if planning for Plan B would be inviting failure, or admitting defeat.
It may just be better not to really plan at all, but to accept each day as a gift and live it as it is. Yes, I think that's gonna be my Plan B.
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