"All I want for Christmas...

... is my two front teeth!"

In his rush to get to school this morning, my son slipped and fell, breaking off two front teeth in the process. I have just spent the first hour of the day rushing from dentist to dentist in town (we don't have a regular one - no fillings for either of us or anything else) trying to get an appointment. I finally have one for later this morning. My son is at home resting, waiting for his swollen lips to diminish and the scrapes on his hands to close up, and will probably not be back at school today.

What drama for first thing in the morning!!!

Dentist's visit went well and the child now has a few new teeth! This would be the morning when he didn't have time to brush before rushing off to school...the only morning he'd need to see the dentist!!! :) He is suffering from numb-gum syndrome, but should be fine.