Traffic-light Spam

Whenever us Country Cousins make our way into the Big City (Cape Town, half an hour's drive from here and another world!), we're always amused at the traffic-light occupants - those folk handing things out, selling things or begging at each stop-light.

Cape Town has a large population of street-kids. They can be seen sniffing glue during green lights, then rush up to you when the lights turn, begging for a few cents.

There are guys selling newspapers, black garbage bags, hand-made goodies, boxes of grapes or peaches, bunches of roses - you name it.

But you get the funny folk too - like the "Rent a Nerd" guys we found in Cape Town recently. They were dressed up like your proverbial nerd, with thick black-rim glasses, comb in the sock, pens in the pocket. Their company hires out computer experts to help with your little emergencies. Brilliant!

Our last trip to Cape Town yielded our first Passion Spam though! We were handed a nice little brochure on the why's and wherefore's of The Movie, along with handy addresses of local churches and the Sinner's Prayer - all of which you could get through before the light changed.

Fast-food religion at its best!