Yet another co-incidence of subject found this moring in two blogs was the theme of finding God in the "unChristians" around us.
Justin ponders finding the goodness in others and building on that, along the lines of Celtic-style Christianity. Rachelle mentions wanting the "light in her" to connect to the "light in others", no preconceived ideas affecting the confluence of shared goodness.
Perhaps that's what relational Christianity is all about. Seeing God in those we usually wouldn't give a second glance to. Recognizing that they are His creations, His children, our brothers and sisters - really taking that to heart and loving them as family.
This kind of love transcends culture, race, smelly feet, religion. It makes sharing yourself, your possessions, your cash that much easier as you recognize needs in one of your own. Wouldn't you help your mother, your father, your sister or brother out if they needed it? Wouldn't you bend over backwards to see them happy and fulfilled, to share your life with them and make them part of yours, to maintain those very precious relationships?
For us to love as Jesus loved, is for us to recognize our connection with all those He died for, whether they know him or not. It is to see His hand in their lives, whether they acknowledge it or not. It is to be Christ to them, whether they have heard of Him or not. It is to break down our own prejudices and see past the skin to the soul inside.
I pray that I will be able to do that. I pray that I will learn what loving my brother is really about. I pray that I won't just say it, won't just know it, but do it.
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