The Memory of Trees

One day I would like to learn how to create objects of wooden beauty such as these:

They're done with a wood-turning lathe. The first one is a bark-on jacaranda-wood bowl, turned from the side of the trunk instead of up-and-down. The second is a turned jar from discarded wood, with an uneven rim, and the third is a hollow turned vase from a tree that has been infected by a fungus. Very mushroomy! :)

I love these! The wood grain shines through and tells the story of the tree - exposes its memory, if you will. My kind of stuff - though my sis-in-law prefers her wood painted over and stained to death. Me, well I like natural beauty better, love to feel the texture and ponder its history.

In another life I'll take up wood-turning as career.

Or learn to VJ.