Resignation Update

Last night, just before worship practice, I stuck my resignation envelope on the assistant pastor's desk, then had a chat to my friend Cathy - who I have been very scared to tell of my decision.

I told her my reasons for leaving, and what I had done as far as giving notice and handing over my responsibilities, what I feel God has been asking me to do and why, still scared to hear what her response would be. The worship team, music, has been the base on which our friendship took off.

She was quiet at first, but then said, "I have complete peace about this. I feel it's right and good for you to do." And that peace spread to me too!

She has a much closer connection to God than I do, and if she feels that this is the right decision and God isn't telling her otherwise, I know it's right. I've always trusted her intuition in God-stuff.

She asked, "Am I still going to see you?" Of course she will. If this doesn't get between us, it can only help us grow as friends. She understands me as few do. And I think this will enable us to speak of more than just the worship team when we meet up or call each other. To get a bit deeper into each other's lives.

I feel like a weight has been lifted. I'm no longer scared that this might be the wrong thing, that I'm going to alienate those that I deeply care for. I need them as support and community, but feel free enough now to move forward on this journey.