I've got a friend here (the chaplain's wife actually) who is in the process of starting up a group at her home once a week, just of mothers like her, meeting for an hour, but she honestly is clueless as to what they should do!
She was thinking "Bible Study", but a lot of the woman aren't really the BStudy type (was going to leave that as the BS type, but not a good idea). Now she's feeling a bit lost.
I know the "form" isn't where it's at, and many are "formless", but you gotta start somewhere. I said I'd check around and get ideas that she can try. She's a bit scared just to plan nothing... and perhaps a bit scared to follow what her heart (God?) is saying too.
Anyone got some suggestions I can pass on? I know a lot of you are doing stuff together, but it's a hard slog to find out what. You're all pretty secretive...!
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