15 May 2005. Mark it on your calendar. That is the Global Day of Prayer.
It started in 2001 with a vision to host a city-wide day of prayer in Cape Town, a local gathering at a sports stadium. 45,000 people turned up. The event was televised locally and via satellite.
2002, and the Day of Prayer had spread to major cities across South Africa.
2003 saw Sub-Sahara Africa praying together, 172 stadiums and a good few hundred-thousands on their knees.
This year the entire continent, all 56 countries, 20 million known people (and many more unknown groups) were praying together, one prayer at an appointed time across the landmass, praying for forgiveness for the past, renewal for the present and hope for the future.
2005 will see this spread to the rest of the world. Who knows how many millions will join to pray!
"Can a nation be changed? Can a nation be turned back to you? We're on our knees, we're on our knees again...."
Perhaps you have no hope for your nation, or for the world. The wars, rumours of wars, strife and sickness have dragged you down into the Slough of Despond and you can't see light. Perhaps a few million prayers really can't change things and we're destined for a bleak future, prayer or not.
But maybe, just maybe this will truly make a difference. Even if it's just for you.
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