Blogs are just words

There's a tendency, when reading blogs, to just skim them, to scan the words without really absorbing anything, then move on to the next one. Or just skip over what doesn't interest you, what you can't relate to. (Some you can't just scan, their words weave a spell that hold you there, rapt in wonder)

Until you realize that blogs are MORE THAN JUST WORDS. That there are people behind them who sometimes pour out their hearts and souls, who are hurting and dying inside, who don't know where to turn. They're telling you things they might not share with their real-live family and friends, those deep things that are hidden under a layer of I'm-OK.

Sometimes it takes time, a little digging, to get to the person behind the layout (you KNOW you recognize people by their blog-look, don't you!), to hear their heart and feel the essence of who they are. I know of one blogger who I assumed for months was female - and who as it turns out is male!

This morning I've run across a post or two that has torn at thin-skinned parts of me, brought tears as I hear the deep cry of their souls. There are prayers I've uttered for peace and healing, prayers of thanks and joy. Prayers for the words on my screen, spoken by people I may never meet.

It's a strange world, this blogland. I've let strangers into places no-one else knows of. And many others have too. Reaching out to someone, anyone, for understanding and a kindred spirit, to know you're not alone. God knows, we're not.