Kid Food: Pancakes

An old family recipe, handed down for generations - or at least passed on from my mom to me... :)  These aren't the USA-type pancakes, more like thick crepes.  We eat them rolled up, filled with the stuff we'd spread on bread, or cinnamon sugar and lemon juice, or cream cheese, or even grated cheese and Marmite.  It's our weekly Thursday night supper special - for no particular reason.

2 1/2 c flour
4 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
3 tsp baking powder
3 c milk
1/2 c water
4 Tbs oil
2 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla essence

Mix (blend) until smooth, fry in moderately hot pan (we spray ours with non-stick spray instead of using oil) on both sides until done.