King for a Day

Sometimes you read the Bible and it all makes sense. Then something just seems a bit odd. Like Matthew 21.

There's Jesus, proclaiming his kingdom and kingship is not of this world, then off he goes and "acts" like a king for a day! The traditional kingly donkey ride into Jerusalem, letting folk get all excited, the cheering and shouting.

What's up with that?

It's almost as if he WANTED people to proclaim him earthly king, then he turns around and becomes just a local guy again.

Was it just him trying on his second coming for size, a kind of dress rehersal? What was he trying to accomplish by getting the entire city into uproar, then calmly going off somewhere else for the night after chucking out moneychangers and other ill-fitting folk from the temple?

Maybe I just don't know enough about his motives on this one, but it suddenly seemed so out of place in the midst of his every-day activities.