I have forsaken my usual Monday "blogging frenzy" (thanks Darren) for today! Mostly because I'm pretty busy, but also because all the weekend thoughts haven't yet made it down to my hands. However:
* It being Monday, I have this sudden urge for a gigantic hot fudge choc sundae. My wish may be granted mid-week, because...
*...we are due for a complete building shut-down on Wednesday, and no internet/email on Tuesday this week, as the guys who are rewiring the building will be hitting the server room, and then the mains at those times. The acting boss (the others are overseas/on sabbatical) is considering us all going out for coffee and a munchie on Wednesday. Cool!
* So blogging will be lite this week at this address. Forced break. Probably good for me, and for you, as you will not be forced to endure my endless mindless dribble, posting whatever pops into my head because I'm permanently online.
* I got to see my little nephew again this weekend - amazing what a difference a month makes in one so small. I got to hold him and comfort him and he slept for an hour on my chest. Unfortunately, the remainder of the family seem to have some sort of tummy bug and were down sick yesterday. Wasn't the food - I ate it and I'm ok!
* My son and I took a walk for our God-time on Sabbath, and found that if you stay still long enough amazing things happen. Lizards come out to sunbathe on your rock and fall asleep, unafraid of you, birds stop by, you see things you would have missed if you'd kept going. Mini-mushrooms, a tiny X-spider in a dew-dropped web, the first (extremely optimistic) spring flowers starting out of wet earth.
* After 2 weeks of mediocre health, it seems my body is going to give out this week and demand rest. Better get it over with while there's still time to, before the next student onslaught in a week's time.
* I am now officially searching for an old longboard, though still not sure I can endure cold sea temperatures. I may have to take up surfing near the nuclear power plant up the coast... :)
* My son's eye check went OK. Dr Bougas (what a name for a doctor!) says there's nothing serious wrong, but we need to watch for his sight worsening or doubling. Not sure what the cause is, but could be the hard knock to the head he took when he fell at age 4.
* One of our (white, divorced mom of 2 teen daughters) lecturers is marrying one of our (black, much younger than her, refugee from Ghana) students this week - very suddenly! It's the talk of the town of course. And as usual I was the last to find out. (Some days I'm glad to be) They are due to move in next door to me in one of the new "popcorn houses" (built from styrofoam).
* As soon as the car is sorted out, my son and I are going to go check out an old volcano a few hour's drive from here. It's huge, but was once underwater when this continent looked very different a long, long time ago. It's in the middle of nowhere! We also want to go hunting for interesting stones, crystals and mineral deposits for his growing collection. Which reminds me - time to do that internet search for what we can find where....
Blessings to all for the week! I'll try be back soon.
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