If you've been around here a while, you'll know we're trying to migrate to Australia, to join my parents in Sydney before they get too senile to recognize us.
Well, I recently received a letter from the migration department, requesting all the stuff I'd previously sent to them! Can you say "disorganized"? The last correspondance I had was not acknowledged, and I only hope the stuff I've sent through now will be.
It's pretty frustrating stuff to try move continents. Especially if you'd basically given up hope, assumed your application was sitting in a 2-year pool, and started getting on with life in South Africa so long - only to find that it hasn't been pooled yet, and is still working its way across a desk!
I don't know what's going to happen with our application. I don't know if moving to Australia will be the best thing we could do, or the absolute worst. I'm living in limbo yet again. Have been for too many years already. It's keeping me from doing things, fixing things, trying things, that ordinarily I would have gotten under the belt a long time ago, but am hesitant to do "just in case".
So yet again we wait. And trust our future to the good graces of a government employee on the other side of the planet. And hope we're not classified as spies in the meantime....
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