Things that make you go "wow!"

I've been ploughing through a 200-odd page booklet this week on "Simplicity and Success". One of the very first items it brings up is that in order to create the life you love, you need to know what you love.

Last night's Oprah centred around amazing survival stories - extreme situations caught on tape that folk lived to tell about. (We seem to be getting random Oprah episodes here...) Each story was pretty awesome in itself, but something really struck me while watching two of the guests.

One is a storm-chaser (boy, wouldn't I love that job!). He says if there's a storm brewing, he just has to be there. It's his passion, as well as his job. His eyes light up as he describes being chased by a tornado, or chasing one.

The other works for National Geographic and loves animals - including the massive python they showed him capturing. He bubbles over with enthusiasm when he talks about his work. Reminds me a bit (no, a LOT!) of that crazy Aussie croc guy.

Funny thing was they both started getting interested in their fields of work while watching the Wizard of Oz as kids - one loved the storm, the other the flying monkeys (and Oprah loved the ruby shoes!). I guess that's why my son's so into dino's after watching Jurassic Park as a kid!

While watching their stories, I started thinking about the book I'm reading and realized I actually don't know what my passions are. Now and then I'll find something I enjoy, or that makes me happy, or that makes me go "wow!". But I haven't actually sat down and discovered what I'm truly passionate about. I know I'd like to make some changes in my life, perhaps look at making a living doing something I enjoy - but it's pretty vague right now as to what that is.

So, as a start, I'm going to create a new favourites folder on my browser. And when something on the net strikes me, makes me go "wow" "awesome" "incredible", I'm going to bookmark it to that folder. Sites like this, and especially this section.

Then I'm going to go back after a while, gather it all up into one heap and see if I can find common ground/s running through it all. And that should help reveal some of my passions, or at least give a bit of direction.

At least, that's what I hope!