Been thinking today of some stuff I'd like to do (now, or later on in the year). Gonna list them so I can remember them, whether you want to read the list or not (so there! :) ):
* Price surfboards - the old, longboard or somewhat dinged variety (to match my car). Why? Well, to attempt to surf of course! First I need to lose some flab and get my fitness level up considerably, and that will involve more than a post-work stroll with the dogs in the field, digging for moles and mice. Summer is months away - I have a chance to get this done. And another requirement will be to find a very deserted beach in a warm-water area to practice. Ain't going nowhere near the "real" surf spots (or the flippin' freezing Atlantic) until I can at least stand up shakily and aim the board in the right direction. Also need to price flippers for J and probably wetsuits for both of us. J needs a leash for his bodyboard.
* Explore the R62. Similar to "Route 66" in the USA I guess. Lots of interesting back-water places, a nice drive through nowhere. Dependent on car and cash being OK. Also explore a few other back-roads over weekends. Road trips rock!
* Tear up the lounge carpet, the lino in the bathroom, passage and kitchen, and check what's underneath. If it's the parquet flooring I suspect in the lounge and passage, sand and polish. If it's cement in the bathroom and kitchen, re-lino or cement-wash with decent-looking stuff. Get employer/house owner/maintainer to help with costs....
* Get out of the food rut we're in. Find some other dishes that we both like, that are really easy and don't cost the earth, and that supply some of the stuff we aren't getting right now. Quit the "haystacks, or pasta, or potatoes-sossies-salad" routine. Find light supper meals that make it worth eating. Experiment on guests! :)
* Start planning a trip to my grandparent's farm in Pretoria, and/or Jason's hoped-for month-long holiday with his grandparents in Australia. Work out how much it's going to cost, and what it will take to achieve. Plan accordingly, a month at a time (ie get a timeline). Perhaps even get in a trip to Lesotho this time to go agate and amythest hunting in those rivers.
* Make a decision on the home-school thing. Yes or no for next year, and why.
* Seriously think about where I'm headed work-wise. Is it an option to stay until I've worked 10 years here (another 1 1/2 to go), and then get my one month extra leave that year, or do I give up on that idea and start exploring other ways to work and live? Viable or not?
* Find ways to reconnect with friends that I've let slide. Entertain more, hibernate less. Make time for family nearby and plan on at least a monthly get-together. (Find a way to get one of the sisters-in-law to actually come around to my place for the first time this year - either banish the dogs, or get a professional cleaning crew in the day before...:) ).
* Get some spiritual direction. For me and Jason. Quite um-ing and ah-ing and just do what needs doing. Connect with others on a similar journey right here - if I can find any.
* Take Danie up on that offer to learn how to service my car (he's the best mechanic I've met!). Or find a way to learn myself without completely breaking things and having to replace the car with a horse. Like one of those service manuals I used to see in CNA (where did they go, anyway?), or the neighbour who owes me one.... :)
* Start planning the summer garden. Move the roses, plant ferns or something else along the fence so the neighbours don't keep looking in, decide which veggies to grow come Spring. Start preparing soil so long while I wait for the earth to turn right way up again. Mow the lawn if it ever dries out enough.
I'm sure there's more, but that should keep me busy for now.
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