The Stories

A while back I went on a bit of a flu-induced rant, wondering where the "stories" were of living out our faith, the good and the bad, the messy bits and the awesome bits - instead of just arguing Emerging vs. Institutional. And I've found some!

So for your reading pleasure, for your inspiration and feel-good God-glow of the day, I present a few of the stories! (Note, links don't open in a new window)

* Other End Up - when life seems to make sense
* Jamie's Friendship
* Clarence's miracle
* Dead Youthpastor Walking - Camp
* Roger's "Real" Church
* Osray's Brother Taylor, Church on Fire, Pastor Myrtle Beal, and most of his archives! :)
* Rachelle's sermon: Part 1, Part 2
* Ragamuffin Diva - Faithfulness (awesome heart-writings all over her blog!)
* Real Live Preacher - I Remember When Amy and many, many other posts
* Soulgarderners - A Crappy Day for a Church Planter
* Tall Skinny Kiwi - Gutter Punk
* Wayne's Blog - "That Lot" in Fairlie

There are many more stories that I've missed out on I'm sure - if you know of one, leave a link in the comments.