Try Something New Day!

Actually, my unofficial list says it's "National Cherry Popsicle Day", but as I don't have any of those, I'm nominating the day for something else.

And what, you might ask, am I trying today? Well - Biltong! (Yes, you South Africans can pick your jaws up off the floor, I haven't tasted the stuff yet). And what, you might ask, is Biltong? Basically it's dried meat - the Americans call it jerky, but they don't know how to make it decently. I once sent a packet of kudu biltong to an Australian friend, who thought it had a texture like cardboard, but tasted great.

The sliver I've got is apparently part of some poor beef that got hacked up, salted, spiced and hung out to dry. Fortunately it's just a sliver.

Bear in mind that I'm Vegetarian and that I wouldn't touch red meat (will have chicken at a braai/barbecue), and you'll see how big a deal this Try Something New Day is!

My verdict? Not bad. Nice balance of salt, spice and other goodies. Though I won't be having a second piece I can now at least claim to have eaten biltong! One day I will learn to make it. It's on my list of "stuff to conquer" that includes cooking a turkey, photographing the Namib desert and making a solid-wood dining-room table from scratch.

Now go forth and try something new yourself, then come back here and report it! That's an order!