Big Questions

I've spent most of the afternoon doing a search for something on the net (religion-related), and am starting to ask (re-ask?) Really Big Questions about denominations and Christianity, and how the two fit together - or don't.

I don't have a single answer yet, but this issue is going to be knocking around in my partially-empty brain for a while, probably knocking a few other issues off the shelves too.

I suspect a few long hard talks with my parents will be involved, and probably some blogging (grit your teeth and bear it...).

I've found that this particular coin not only has two sides, but also a couple of other angles - infinite sides, if you will. I could list the goods and bads and end up with equally long endless lists, constantly added to as each person I come across puts in their bit.

I don't even know if there are answers to some of the half-formed questions in my head. And the end of the working day is hardly the time to try think them through, never mind find answers. These questions are WAY big!!!

But there's a mere half-day of work left before I take a bit of a holiday, and I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to reflect and discuss then.