It's been a very rushed and very stressful day for me - everything that can go wrong (nearly), has gone wrong (but I count my blessings that I am not a hostage, nor is my child - oh Lord, protect those children!). I haven't had time to blog, I haven't even had time to take a deep breath. And it's on days like this that I really look forward to my weekly Sabbath.
For me it's a time of refreshing, renewal, peace, quiet, a time to slow down and connect with God and others.
It's a day to sleep in - especially good this weekend as there's a lot of rain on the way, and there's no sound like heavy rain on the huge arum lily leaves just outside my bedroom window. It's a bit like rain on a tin roof.
It's a day to catch up on some spiritual reading, to learn and expand my thoughts in new directions. I usually print out a variety of articles off the net during the week to read - some widely differing views most days.
It's a time for me to spend with my son Jason - Friday night is "talk night", with no interruptions.
It's a time to get out in nature (weather permitting) with the dogs, to admire the new growth of spring and to discover the secret treasures God has left within His creation for us to find.
It's a time for slow food, an hour or two spent in the kitchen creating dishes we don't have time for in the week, and a few more hours spent enjoying them.
It's a time for me to connect with others - we often have a meal with family or friends, though most weeks it's just us.
And it's a time where I can completely drop the stresses of the week, the hassles and pressures and rushing to and fro, and just Be.
Shabbat Shalom!
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