Single Parenting is EASY!

Yes, it really is! Or maybe I'm the exception to the rule?

Sure, there are those who have it rough - messy divorces, custody battles, spurned by society for bearing a child out of wedlock. I've had none of those.

Then there are those who struggle financially - maintenance payments don't make it home, childcare eats into savings, children gnaw you out of house and home. But not me. OK, so there's only one small-enough salary to work with, but we manage. Don't get maintenance, don't want it. The kid eats a lot, but heck - he's growing. We do OK on the cash I bring in, and I've been known to make numerous plans when cash starts getting low (like selling home-baked things to hungry students). We haven't starved yet. We can cut corners for just 2 people that we couldn't for more.

It would be nice for my son to have a dad around, but he's doing fine without (so far - watch for him on DrPhil in about 20 years...!). We've got a good thing going in our 2-person family. We don't operate like a two-parent family, but then again there's no other parent to argue with over child-rearing matters. Our life ebbs and flows - sometimes busy, sometimes quiet. There's no spanking or shouting - we just know the boundaries and they're basically adhered too. Although I'm not as strict as most. We're pretty chilled.

Someone once told me I should write a book about single parenting - but I don't have anything to say! Nothing exciting's happened, no huge challenges, no working through major issues. We just get on with life and live. Nothing to write home about, nothing to publish.

Yup, single parenting is pretty easy. Then again, we haven't hit the teen years yet...


Anonymous said...

If you are single parent then create a social network of people who support you. It can be just a minute or two a day. Use social networking sites, your cell phone, whatever you can to connect with other parents.
Single Parent