Flippin' Cricket!

The Last Of the Plague is hanging around my office, creaking quietly now and then, chewing paper - and jumping out unexpectedly at me!

He's just tried to crawl in between my toes into my shoes. Darned beast! That kind of action calls for a can of insect spray to be directed his way. Munching and chirping I can take - making footwear a home while the foot's still in it, I can't. There's nothing worse than investigating antennae and a cricket mouth probing the toes. Yuk, yuk, yuk.

So cricket - if you have been reading this blog on the sly, know that your hours are numbered. It's not even days anymore, but HOURS. Enjoy your last few.

He has passed on to cricket heaven (with help), along with 2 of his friends who were hiding out behind something or other. Rest in peace while we finally enjoy ours!