Hard Work & Dirty Feet

We've done it. We've made enough cash (I think) to cover our tickets, airport tax and visas! Thanks to a few miracles, many donations and one major garage sale. (It does, however, mean that we will be in debt to the bank - but we'll be able to pay the tickets with that credit limit we have)

I spent most of the weekend either pricing goods, or trying to sell them. 4 carloads went down to the field for sale, 2 1/2 came back home again. Many, many books were sold, quite a few household items, not many of the 10 large black bags of clothes. Some staff members dropped off extra goods for me to sell - one or two went, most didn't. Other folk came by bearing envelopes of bank notes, their donations to our cause. More than half our cash collected was donations. Awesome!

It was extremely hot most of the day, but fortunately my skin is so used to being crisped (forgot the sunscreen again!) that I'm not actually red, even after 7 or more hours in the blazing sun. Got a good tan though!

And dirty feet. The dust of the garage and the field left me blackened and grimy, especially where my shoes had been. Under my toe-ring was one very dirty band. The bathwater last night was a sight to behold!

But we did it. We came home with a sack of cash and a feeling of "it's done".

I wish my faith had been filled up as much as my bank account in the past 2 weeks... but that's a post for another time.