Planning for a Miracle

I'm still not completely over the feeling that life's caving in on my head today, but have decided that I'm going to go ahead and plan for a miracle in the meantime.

In other words, I'm arranging to do my teaching stint earlier in the semester, am requesting permission for my son to miss 2 weeks of school in the second term (it's parent-teacher day today! oh joy....), and will then find out what flights are available, and when they would need to be paid.

I'm overwhelmed by the offers of help (THANK YOU LAURA!!!) to raise funds for my ticket from bloggers. You guys rock! I'm going to be doing all I can to create the cash we need (really big garage sale coming up soon), and have requested info from the migration office on getting a visitor's visa - still awaiting a reply, of course.

The Little House on the Prairie books contained a phrase that has stuck in my head ever since I read them as a kid - "God helps those who help themselves". OK, it's maybe not theologically correct, but there's a basis of truth in there, in that you have to do your part and not just sit back expecting God to do everything!

So that's what I'm doing. Whatever I can to get moving in the right direction.

And going home early yesterday for half a block of dark chocolate, a good cry and a massive hug from my son helped! :)