The Big PS2 Search

My son turns 12 in a week or so's time, and has determined that the only thing he wants for his birthday is a PS2. Well, having spent some time at the mall checking prices - that's the only thing he WILL get if I have to buy one!

So here's a question for you South African PS2 addicts - and I know a few of you read this blog. Where's the best deal on PS2's? I found the cheapest so far at Musica for R1,600. Of course I wouldn't just be getting the console pack - what else would I need (memory card, DVD remote etc...)? Can PS Platinum games work on it, as well as Playstation(one) games? Where's the best deal on games to be found? Got a couple online options, but heck, they're expensive things!

If you fancy yourself a PS2 expert, this is your chance to shine with all those elusive answers! :)