I forgot how fast people drive here - well over the 120km speed limit on highways, and the 60/80km speed limits elsewhere. I forgot how many crummy cars there are on the road, that are almost falling apart. I forgot that most of them don't have seatbelts, even in the front.
I forgot how salty South African bread is - but I didn't forget how delicious it is. I almost got used to Australian Marmite/Vegemite, but not quite.
I forgot how cold it can get at night, and how my toes can be frozen until lunchtime. I forgot the way the sun rises behind the mountain, goes behind the trees, the garage, the house - and then disappears for the day in winter, leaving the paths across my garden still night-wet.
I forgot how quickly lawn grass grows, especially with a couple of good rains.
I forgot the pettiness that often goes on in offices, focused on the minor and the inconvenient.
I forgot my blogging obsession. And I continue to forget it in favour of life.
I forgot what my coffee machine sounds like on a freezing Cape morning.
I forgot that I didn't buy any groceries before we left, and how empty the cupboards were.
I forgot that politicians and their travels, courts and their routines rule the news half-hour here.
I forgot the sound of Afrikaans mixed in with English 10 times in the same sentance, even on TV.
I forgot that I'm still an underling at work. And that in spite of a change in attitude and perspective on my part, others haven't.
I forgot the smell of carpet glue - until they started laying it outside my office post-lunch. I forgot how noisy putting up a new office can be, and how much dust it generates.
I forgot what jet-lag felt like last time we came home long distance. But it's all coming back to me now...
I forgot how run-down my house is. I thought it wasn't really that bad. I've lived there too long without noticing things falling apart.
I forgot that my car needs a service. I didn't forget that my son still wants a PS2 for his upcoming birthda, and that it will probably win over the car.
I forgot that I could claim an amount of cash here at work against the camera I purchased, but I didn't forget to claim my tax refund at the airport.
I almost forgot my car licence renewal, but thankfully didn't.
I forgot that I have a free-to-review book arriving soon! I forgot that my monthly House & Leisure magazine arrives about now.
I didn't forget to take those first steps today that will ultimately change my life forever.
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