The Tooth Verdict

Well, this morning was an experience! The ortho guy has very few friends it seems - most of my appointment was him telling me stories of past patients and various options and situations. He should find a therapist to tell these things to, perhaps? Actually, he's a nice enough guy. And the upshot of it is that I could be about to commit the next 15 months (more or less) to a good deal of support for the payments on his Mercedes!

I got photographed, inside and out. I got imprinted on plastic concrete that tried to get down my throat and choke me. I was x-rayed and prodded - and YET AGAIN told I have wonderful teeth. I'm almost starting to believe it.

I finally got out of him that I MAY need two top teeth extracted, and WILL need to brace both jaws, but will end up looking like a million bucks (the approximate amount I'll have to spend to achieve this perfection). I go back next Friday afternoon for a consultation (amazingly, this one is free!) to look through the evidence and plot a course of action.

You know - I may just celebrate my 35th birthday at the end of 2006 with a big, glamorous smile after all! :) (And while I'm at it, I should really use those 15 months to get the body I've always wanted, sort out my health, and end up all-round good-looking - right?)