Starting a Trend

Oh dear - I think I may have set the course for a whole bunch of armchair travellers to become addicted to Google Earth!

On a whim, I posted a question on the Lonely Planet Travel forum, to ask who else had been virtually visiting all those places we dream about and ask about, and plan to travel to. Who else had found anything interesting (like that strange huge blue patch in the middle of the Sahara, which seems to be a type of sand/soil/rock colouring a large area). And my first response was from someone who hadn't heard of it - but knew now, and was downloading it immediately!

I forsee a bad network overload at Google as the entire travel community gets online and starts drooling over places yet unseen, following roads up mountains and down the other side, across plains, into the Ngorongoro crater....

What have I done???? :)