Happy Birthay Mom!

You made it to 58, and we're proud of you.

Today Charline celebrated her birthday--something neither of us thought would happen. She is encouraged by her doctor's report yesterday that the jaundice is less and her swelling has gone down. Her birthday started very busy--callers, phonecalls, etc. The poor community nurse had to wait a whole hour before she could have access to Charline. Some children came from her school and sang to her, and a crew came from the Media Centre to interview and film her. She finally managed to catch a nap around 12:00 noon. She remains in good spirits (although at times she feels she just wants to lie down and not wake up again). She is amazing, doing better than we could have hoped for at this point.

What has really helped her is that her brother and sister, and now her sister-in-law, have been able to come and nurse her here at home. Kelvin and Desiree came on the same day, Friday just over 2 weeks ago. It was wonderful to see how their coming lifted her spirits. It also meant that we could bring her home from hospital. Kelvin left last Wednesday, but his wife Josie came yesterday and will stay for 2 weeks, till December 11. This was made possible largely by gifts received from kind friends both here in Australia and, I understand, elsewhere. Desiree flies back to South Africa tomorrow (Wednesday).

We had an inspiring annointing service for her here at home just over a week ago. What was so wonderful was the way Charline inspired all of us with her testimony and her expressions of faith. I felt that we who came to minister to her were the ones who were ministered to by her. She continues to just shed light and love around her. What a beautiful person she is! I am the most privileged man in the world (some of you may argue that I only come in second to yourselves, of course).

Thank you all for your messages, which have been so numerous that it has been impossible for me to respond to most of them directly. Please accept this as my best effort.

Keep us in God's grace by your prayers.