If you can't moan and carry on where you blog, where can you? :)
Today's whines include:
1. Sore back - very-lower back been out since Friday, can't get it in, haven't had much sleep since, which is affecting everything else. I suspect it's thanks to both office chair and ancient mattress.
2. Lack of communication from overseas family, local questions going unanswered, can't plan anything. Great.
3. Work load excessive, and growing. Being moaned at for things that don't have anything to do with me, just because I have an open chair for moaners to sit on, and ears to hear.
4. Not sure if I'll cope if I make it to Australia. Worries about what to do with son (whether he stays or goes), dogs, fish, workload. More worries about if I can go - and how to deal with everything going on there without collapsing emotionally. Additional worries over finances - dodgy whether we stay or go.
5. Parcel posted to mom by semi-courier was supposed to take 5-9 working days. Three weeks later it has yet to arrive, and if it takes any longer it will be too late.
Just to balance it out, I'm going to try find a bit of positive:
1. Workload is being added to by request from new publication for an outline/motivation for 8 potential articles - freelance! So cool (in spite of inherent self-doubt that I can pull it off). And perhaps extra cash! Got all enthusiastic about the opportunity, and came up with 48 articles.... currently whittling them down to the non-overwhelming required number! :)
2. A bit of a breather this afternoon while son is at art - and my monthly House & Leisure magazine arrived just in time. What a super wish-mag (could never afford the houses on show, but fun to look at).
3. Gift basket of bath goodies as thanks from the Senior Class (graudating this weekend) for doing their programme booklet. Over and above what was required. Nice to be appreciated.
4. Got a heck of a lot done this morning, so time to take a deep breath now, before rushing on with the rest of the day.
5. Payday approaches!
Blogging may be a bit slow for a while, as work and family issues and deadlines take over. But stick around - anything interesting happens, you'll hear it here first!
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