Michelle Needs...

This has been doing the rounds for ages now, and I've been resisting the urge to do it too, but "resistance is futile and I have been assimilated". So here goes:

Google your name and "needs", then post the results:

1. Michelle needs your help. (seriously, I do!)
2. Michelle needs her own reality show. (no kidding...)
3. Michelle needs a family that will be patient, consistent, kind, loving, ... (yeah, that would be nice)
4. Michelle needs more to compete with the big boys. (cash? toys? brains?)
5. Michelle needs another job. (well, YEAH..!)
6. Michelle, you clearly need to shut the f*** up. (i.e. stop blogging and go work for a change?)
7. Michelle needs every advantage possible to attain this goal. (like, perhaps a hard-drive crash? permanent internet disconnect?)
8. Michelle needs help with being focused. (um... beginning to see a pattern here...)
9. Michelle needs to start keeping track now.. (ok, more than a pattern!)
10. Michelle needs constant proof of love. (which is why I blog - so there)

OK, that was freaky! Just as I posted this, I got a job offer in by email (see point #5 above), the sole result of my CV having been online for about 4 months. It's not quite what I'm looking for, so will probably pass - but still. That's just plain weird!