I wonder...

...if my son is enjoying his day out with his Gramps, playing Putt-Putt and "other things"? If he's doing well at it?

...if I can actually make a living from the creativity tingling in my hands, small as it may be?

...if I'll ever get a full, undisturbed night's sleep - even though I work myself into a state of exhaustion during the day?

...if dreams really do come true?

...if I have the courage to take some really big steps this year, and overcome the feeling of little self-worth that's been imprinted on me by my current employers?

...if I'll manage to get completely debt-free in a few months?

...if I'll ever get healthy and strong again, instead of desk-weak and office-flabby?

...if having one male dog snipped will really help prevent competitive peeing, fighting/biting and other struggles for Alpha-maledom between the two of them?

...if I'll ever be able to afford my own house, farm or piece of land?

...if I could ever bring myself to marry? Or even consider it as an option for the future, decent-male dependant?

...if I can stop blogging nonsense and just get back to work?