More Disorganized Thoughts

* Have "discovered" the "music" of Diary of Dreams. Suitably strange music for my strange mood - optimistic, purposed, panicked, creative, stressed and fed-up all at once. No other soundtrack to my headspace will do.

* The waiter hits the nail on the head again.

* My business website and labels and business card thingies are finally getting a cohesive "look". Much work ahead, but I've made a start at last. I've been pushed to get going by the realization that this time next year I will have heck-of-a school fees to cover, and can't manage on current salary. If I don't make a move this year to either change jobs or get business going, it's tickets. Still much to do, but the hard part is always starting.

* I wouldn't mind one of these. Saw one parked outside a shop two days ago for the first time.

* This time next week my son's in school for his last year of primary school, and we'll be attending a cocktail at his art school in the evening. Life has taken a turn toward the future. Hold on, enjoy the ride....

* Was watering the garden this morning and noticed just how much edible landscaping I've been able to introduce. Too cool. We're soon going to be over-run with "eyeballs" (cherry tomatoes), green beans, a variety of other tomatoes, peas, zucchini and watermelon - provided the latter two actually produce something this year other than flowers and soon-rotted mini-fruits. And while all that goes on, we provide for the creatures around us who must eat, giving up part of our garden and crops to the insects, birds and other beasts that have as much right to live as we do. We do enjoy watching them, so they have entertainment value and we simply make sure we plant enough to keep both them and us happy.

* There's a brown widow spider laying eggs in a hole in my picnic table. Pretty freaky, but cool at the same time. Just don't stick your legs too far under it or you might run into problems!

* Why do I get so hungry at work during the day, when at home I can go the entire day and simply forget to eat? So strange. But at least I'm going to polish off the Haystacks we're up for in a few minutes.

Organized thoughts will resume here eventually.