Mystery Solved!

Remember Monday's mysterious letter? The answer has been found! Just received this email:
We seem to have problems with **** as he may not have send the papers at all. His mum lives in UK and she came to Zimbabwe on the 6th and she was anxious to know outcome as she wanted to pay everything required. As the pressure was mounting due to me following up on application with you. He and his friend may have hatched up a plan to dupe the mother not knowing you and me were in touch. I am sure he had used the money we gave him to DHL. I think he has been a disgrace and I am so sorry. The mother is very stressed about this whole issue and I dont even know what to say to you except that I am sorry I believed he was genuine.

Someone is in deep, DEEP trouble! :) He can be lucky this whole thing never got as far as the police....