Digital Camera Envy (or, I want a Big one!)

It's funny how you're never satisfied with what you have.

Take digital cameras for example. The first one I got had basic cellphone technology, except a bit less than what phones come with these days. It didn't have a screen, could only take 24 photos at a time - and if you removed the batteries you lost them. It was prone to interesting digital effects.

Last year, while in Australia, I finally got a really nice little digital camera - a Canon Powershot A95. What a pleasure! Sound, movies, loads of storage space, rechargeable batteries, zoom, focus...WOW. And since then the photos here have improved somewhat. I've had fun taking shots of interesting things, close-ups of nature, and using the stitch ability to create montages. I've even done a few seconds of movie now and then.

But it's still not enough.

A while back I dug out a box of Real Photos and found some taken with an ancient Minolta I have. I got it cheap, but it came with a multitude of lenses that helped create some marvellous shots. There's a focus effect I managed that the digital simply won't do. Well, my current digital won't do. Unfortunately, Real Film has become outrageously pricey to develop.

Which is why I want the Big One. The digital cameras that look like the old ones did, with many focus, zoom and picture options. Like a Nikon D70... or something even more ambitious! I have a couple of friends who own these, professional photographers who create the most incredible shots - and one who makes a darned good living from doing that.

I am happy with my camera, really I am. But a part of me is just that tiniest bit envious...