Kill! Kill! Kill! (it's a dog's life...)

My dogs are not talking to each other. They're not talking to me either. One has not come out of his dogbox for a day already, and is limping. The other one has a swollen face and ear full of water...

And why, you may ask?

Because on Friday night, Sid got up on a bed and Didi decided he was in the wrong place - and attacked. They fought on the bed, they fought under it, they fought all around the house, knocking down small tables - remotes flying, wherever they went.

A few cups of water chucked on them didn't help. Air freshener up the nostrils - no luck. A squirt of vinegar - no reaction.

We managed to pry them apart after 10 minutes and chuck one outside.

Next day, someone let Didi in while Sid was in the kitchen - and they have MAJOR food issues. Another big bite-and-fight ensued. Shorter, but deadlier. Hence the limping dog - and this time there was a smattering of blood. (They're very hairy, so usually the teeth don't get to skin level, no matter how they hang on)

I honestly don't know how to solve their issues, except by giving one away. I can't explain to them they're being stupid and ask them to stop.

So today it's quiet here. No barking, no playing, no nothing. One inside, one out. Let's hope that's sorted their blood-lust for a few more months...