No rest for the wicked

In addition to my full-time day job, my sideline is suddenly taking off like nobody's business. Every night after work (and my quick walk), I dive into the kitchen and cook for a few hours to fill orders for cake, granola, chocolate brownies, savory snacks. No, I'm not complaining (though I may when the electricity bill arrives) - it's helped enormously in the past month to keep us going. And given me hope that I can actually make enough out of food and wooden toys to be able to go solo one day.

But all this cooking has got me thinking. I operate out of a tiny kitchen, with a single small electric oven/stove (well, your normal household size one). I use the average housewife-size mixers and bowls. But I should really be investing in an industrial-size mixer and a catering-size gas oven! I need storage room and stacking room too.

I just don't know where I'd put everything - unless I went uphill and converted my garage into a fully-fledged kitchen. Which would be great! But would it work? I'd have to cover the one wall shared with the neighbours (pure chicken wire between wood posts at the moment), put in a decent ceiling, and redo the lighting. It would mean a much bigger space to work, but also an initial cash injection to get going. And as I'm renting, I have to wonder if it's worth the effort/time. Of course, I could take everything with me when I move (not IF anymore), re-using or transferring all my stuff elsewhere. And if I were to use cheap chipboard or plywood... Hmmm, I wonder!

But until I can do that, the house looks like a chef-gone-wild nearly every night, with cakes and baked goodies stacked not only in the kitchen, but on the chest freezer, fridge, tables, in the bedroom and on the piano!

As I said, I'm not complaining - it's just a heck of a lot of work some days. And if the saying in the header is true, I must be wicked indeed! :)