
You get days like this - when it would be wonderful to clone yourself into 2 or more copies! Yet it's becoming more of a week of these kind of days, than just a once-off.

Every year around this time my workload increases dramatically. This year it somehow seems worse than normal. Along with the ususal things I'm responsible for, I have a gigantic website re-do urgently needed. For that I have to learn CSS thoroughly - which of course takes time. In the meantime I also have to sort out numerous publications (being one of the only folk here who seem to understand spelling and accuracy...). And then there's the meetings! Most of which have little to do with me, but require an hour or more each shot and my esteemed presence.

I've taken to arriving at work at 7:30, cutting lunch hours in half, and not even thinking about tea-type breaks (pee breaks? only at a pinch.. ;-) ).

Such is the rhythm of my working year. Mid-year it's blank, now the pace picks up immensely. I usually end up rushing into the holiday season, where everyone else is busy winding down.

But right now I'd really like it if I could get a clone, please?