From round about now until mid-February each year is the busiest time of the working year in my office. And it seems it's completely kicked in today! There's little time to do anything other than the one task - my main job description task - that will keep me at it for the rest of the year. Other than blog, of course.. :-) Call it "tea break" without the tea. Just an apple and some water instead.
My desk is usually cleared of anything other than what I'm working on currently. Today it's piled up high with stuff! Organized piles of stuff, each with a big job attached to them, awaiting my attention.
But one does have to come up for air every so often. Or go out for air - unless it's moving at gale-force speed.
Just next to my office building is a herb and rose garden, with a central grass patch and the ancient bell mounted in a Cape-style tower. If I need a breather, a chance to clear the head, that's where I usually head to. Peer under the plants for wild melons, check out the different types of roses in bloom, crush and smell a few herb leaves as I pass, and watch bees delving into the gigantic purple artichoke flowers. It's more than a physical breath of fresh air - it's a mental one too.
Especially on days where you feel like a webpage "Done - but with errors"....
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