
I almost forgot I'm on leave next week! Here I was happily trundling through a multitude of tasks, and then realized I don't have the time next week to complete most of them. Guess who's rushing now? :)

Yes, I've had a lot of leave this year - an entire month off recently. But that was extra leave, and I'm still using up the regular stuff. Unfortunately we don't get paid out if we don't take it, nor can we carry it over to the following year. So I'm trying to fit it all in before the real rush starts here, which is around about in a month's time. Then my office goes nuts while everyone else goes on holiday! At least I have peace and quiet as the only one around.

So it's back to the grindstone this morning. Have already worked through a lot of things that needed my full attention, but much more to go.

And what am I doing next week? Finding out why Olivia's battery is draining without apparent cause (and fixing it), then sorting out a few other odd jobs that are engine-related. And I never did get around to that male species appreciation day last holiday... :)